Colorado Doctors & Healthcare Professionals

Free Resources - Colorado Laws

  • I always encourage clients to adopt practices that will ensure the security of their electronic and physical patient records.
  • Unfortunately, not every employee hire works out the way the physician, dentist, hospital administrator or medical or dental office manager envisioned.
  • Establishing clear and solid collections policies is one of the keys to success for any medical or dental practice.

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Managing Your Online Reputation

I’m acutely aware of the importance of the public images of my clients. Although many would argue that the true measure of professionalism is the work product that one produces—a physician’s ability as a diagnostician and care provider or an oral surgeon’s surgical skills, for instance—many potential clients will judge you by the way that you comport yourself. – Read more…

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

As the high cost of healthcare has become a hotbed of issues in Denver, Colorado, and around the nation, the Federal Emergency Medical Treatment Active Labor Act—which requires hospitals to provide basic emergency treatment to nearly anyone, regardless of their ability to pay—has come under scrutiny. However, few people outside of the medical field are familiar with what EMTALA does and does not cover. – Read more…

Terminating Healthcare Professionals

In today’s litigious society, all employers in the medical, dental or other healthcare industry—must be particularly careful to avoid allegations of defamation of character, breach of contract, constructive discharge, or discrimination, which are some of the more common grounds for wrongful termination suits. In addition, employees who have been terminated for cause frequently file for unemployment benefits and challenge the basis for the termination. – Read more…